Clothing should be a way for woman to portray beauty, life,
strength, and women itself. Getting dressed shouldn’t largely be just throwing
an outfit on. Instead we must embrace our creativity and view it as an art.

The art of dressing is not averagely practiced nor daily used. [Such a shame] For me personally, the days I get up and allow myself the time I need to get ready, I am usually more productive and on top of things. I feel put together, polished, and ready to go. I can focus on school, the people I am engaging with, etc. But the mornings I don’t give myself enough time or just don’t feel like putting out effort in getting ready, I find myself less motivated and not on my A game. Some mornings getting ready may consist of an average routine: shower, hair, makeup, outfit. While others it is as simple as putting on a chic dress, throwing my hair up in a ponytail, and applying a bit of blush to add colour to the face. As long as I provide enough time I need for that day to get ready, to express myself, and to prepare for the rest of the day, I have that added amount of vigor to go about my day. I know that beauty, peace, confidence, and such are to come from within but I am also a strong believer in taking care of how we look on the outside as well as the inside. There is nothing wrong in taking time to pamper yourself a bit and making your self look your best, as long as we keep this in perspective and in balance with other areas of life. Extreme on any end is not healthy. So I say lets start dressing with knowledge and purpose. Know what kind of picture and image you create when you dress. Know that simplicity is powerful and class can never be overrated. Designer labels can. Know when you show too much leg and when you look like a borderline nun. Style is all about creativity and expression but a healthy dose of balance is a must! The more you understand your style and what you say with your clothes, the more effect you can have, the more ability you will have to express who you are.

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